Zodiac C1900 ChemLink ORP and pH Interface Controller with Flow Cell


Zodiac C1900 ChemLink ORP and pH Interface Controller with Flow Cell

Zodiac C1900 ChemLink ORP and pH Interface Controller with Flow Cell


ChemLink ORP and pH user interface controller
3M Technology procedures, screens and preserves risk-free, healthy normal water
Power over brine chlorinators, granular bird feeders, water supply pumping systems, or ozone generators
Continual monitoring in order to avoid compound ups and downs
Chemlink is available on Aqualink RS feel, Onetouch Rev P, and PDA Rev 5.


Usually ships within 24 hours.

Product Description

PRODUCT: Zodiac C1900 ChemLink ORP and pH Interface Controller with Flow Cell
UPC CODE: 738919067516
EAN CODE: 738919067516
SALES RANK: 302153
EDITORIAL REVIEW: This ChemLink ORP and pH user interface controller with stream cellular is simple swimming and club chemistry controlled designed for easy installment and functioning from an Aqualink RS or Smart phone technique. Changes chlorination and pH quantities immediately in response to bather load, temperature, organic contaminants and a number of altering problems. Interfaces with Aqualink contact, Onetouch Rev G or after, and Smart phone Rev 5.. 3M Engineering measures, displays and keeps risk-free, well balanced normal water. Charge of brine chlorinators, granular bird feeders, water nourish pumping systems, or ozone generation devices. Continuous checking to stop compound lows and highs. Automatic, specific dosing for successful usage of chemicals. Multiple feed some time and supply hold off choices. Car alerts and protection shut-downs shield expensive gear.
ChemLink ORP and pH interface controller
3M Technology measures, monitors and maintains safe, balanced water
Control of salt water chlorinators, granular feeders, liquid feed pumps, or ozone generators
Constant monitoring to avoid chemical highs and lows
Chemlink is available on Aqualink RS touch, Onetouch Rev P, and PDA Rev 5.0

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